Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Update as of Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Dear Abilis Community Members, Families and Friends,
We are so thankful for your continued support and patience during this time. We are so excited to announce that Abilis is working on our plans for reopening and we couldn’t be happier!! We will be sending you information on family visitation guidelines for residential services that will go into effect on June 20, 2020 when normal visitation will resume. There will be guidelines and a checklist that will need to be completed prior to each visitation.
Residents who have been at the family home should work with their teams to return to their Abilis home.
Abilis is working with the State of Connecticut on developing our re-opening plan of Day Supports. We have been revitalizing our building with repairs, fresh paint, renovated bathrooms, a new café and beautiful reception area. We can’t wait for you to see!
This plan will include 3 phases which will begin on July 15th and will require a soft opening. We will be coordinating transportation and daily activities according to the approved guidelines to ensure health and safety of those we support. Please be patient and do not expect a full return schedule. We will have to implement many changes and new schedules to accommodate the needs of individuals and compliance with the state regulations. Staff and program participants will have their temperature checked and answer health screening questions daily. A schedule of cleaning for our vehicles and facilities will be documented daily.
Shelley Caruso, Director of LEAP and her team will be communicating with each family for the individuals enrolled in LEAP to review the plan for program participation.
Kim Trudden, Director of Case Management will be communicating with each family and individual and enrolled in Individualized Day Supports, Day Habilitation, Seniors and Group Supported Employment program.
Matthew Miceli, Director of Competitive Employment will be communicating with all individuals and their families regarding a return to work schedule and job training schedule.
Prior to returning to Day Program, each Individual Planning Team will need to assess the care of your loved one and agree on the location and the services to be provided. We will be contacting you to have these individualized meetings.
We encourage all families to continue working with individuals on wearing a mask and regular handwashing. This will be continuing to be our new norm for the foreseeable future. Abilis is proud to be a community based organization and we want each person to be able to participate in all activities. We do realize that there are individuals who are unable to tolerate wearing a mask. We are working on plans to address those situations.
If you do not want your loved one to return to the Day program at this time, please contact Luis Velazquez at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Luis can coordinate your return in the final phase of reopening.
Thank you again for your patience and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Warm Regards,
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Alonso Martinez
Abilis Board Chairperson
Update as of Friday, April 24, 2020
Abilis supports The Arc of Connecticut’s Call to Action asking Governor Lamont to issue uniform guidance that will permit the loved ones or caregivers of adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), including autism and behavioral disorders, to accompany that person in the event of hospitalization during the current COVID-19 crisis.
Legislators from both sides of the aisle including I/DD Caucus leaders and members have joined us in our efforts, and have reached out to Governor Lamont asking for the same. (Read the Connecticut Senate Democrats letter to Governor Lamont dated April 22, 2020)
Take Action Today!
Please take a moment right now to reach out to your legislators. Ask them to contact Governor Lamont to let him know that there are people with I/DD alone in the hospital now. We cannot wait any longer for the Governor to take action on this important issue.
Click the link below to log in and send your message
Thank you for your support in advance!
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Update as of Thursday, April 9, 2020
Dear Families and Friends of Abilis,
We are deeply inspired by the commitment and ongoing dedication of our front-line staff who continue to support Abilis in each of our 40+ residences. Our direct care staff and nurses have one of the most difficult jobs in our organization right now. Their ability and desire to keep nurturing and caring for the people they support is nothing short of heroic. We are committed to do everything in our ability to make sure they are safe and to provide the needed resources available to them.
Today, Thursday, April 9, we have been notified by the Commission from the State Department of Developmental Services, effective on April 14th, to extend the deadline to prohibit all visitors to our Licensed Residences for an additional 30 days. Please see the attached letter regarding the extension visitation order. Click here.
This includes all residential facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities operated by DDS. This includes ICF, CLA, CRS and homes that are staff by Abilis and receiving funding to do so by DDS.
We understand this is a difficult time for many of our families, but we will be following these regulations put into place to ensure the health and safety of our community members. Families are able to take their loved one home, and will be expected to continue to care for them until the pandemic is over.
We are preparing for tougher days ahead and will fight this battle together!. Please join me remembering how hard our front line heroes are working to protect those we love and care for. They need to know how much they are appreciated now more than ever.
Thank you again for your understanding and on-going support.
Please continue to check our website for any updates.
Thank you,
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Alonso Martinez
Abilis Board Chairperson
Update as of Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Dear Families and Friends of Abilis,
Abilis is responsible for the health and safety of both the residents and staff. At this time more than ever we need to all work together to ensure a positive outcome for all those we support, and those who are coming to work each and every day to care for your loved ones. We have received many inquiries from families questioning the letter sent by the commissioner of DDS. For clarification, all residential facilities for persons with intellectual disabilities operated by DDS has imposed a ban on visitors for 30 days. This includes ICF, CLA, CRS and homes that are staff by Abilis and receiving funding to do so by DDS.
We understand and empathize with the stress and concern our family members are going through by being asked to stay away from your loved one. When you chose Abilis, you made a decision to allow the organization to care for and safeguard your children. This is exactly what we are trying to do. We are asking for your patience and cooperation at this time. We have the technology to Facetime and call you to check with the residence.
Each day we are monitoring the health status of those working and living in the residences. We are carefully and tirelessly ensuring food, cleaning and medical supplies.
We are in this together!
Thank you,
Amy Montimurro LMSW
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Alonso Martinez
Abilis Board Chairperson
Update as of Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Dear Families and Friends,
Our team is committed to providing you with up-to-date information on Abilis’ COVID-19 safety measures.
Today, we have been notified by the Commission from the State Department of Developmental Services to PROHIBIT ALL VISITORS to our Licensed Residences for the next 30 days. Please see the attached letter regarding the visitation order. Click here.
Our overall goal is to protect the health of the people we serve and our staff. At this time we have NO suspected cases of COVID-19, and are working diligently to keep it that way.
Thank you again for your understanding and on-going support.
Please continue to check our website for any updates.
Thank you,
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Alonso Martinez
Abilis Board Chairperson
Update as of Friday, March 13, 2020
Dear Parents, Families and Friends,
We appreciate the outreach of support and calls from our families and friends of Abilis. We are committed to ensure the health and safety for those we care for and for our staff.
We have been evaluating a contingency plan to keep our Day program services open and operational. At this time, we have made the decision to suspend our Day programs until further notice. We are required to follow the guidelines issued by the state. We have attempted every scenario and unfortunately, there is no solution that will be in compliance with our state partners. We understand that this may be a hardship for your loved ones and families.
We continue to work with our state partners and consult with the CDC, and DPH to make decisions following protocols warranted and recommended along with directives from the State’s Department of Developmental Services. Our local town officials are providing daily updates and we remain in close contact with their offices. We will keep you updated on any changing conditions.
Thank you again for your understanding and on-going support.
Please continue to check our website for any updates.
Thank you,
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Alonso Martinez
Abilis Board Chairperson
Update as of Wednesday, March 11, 2020 9:00PM
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Abilis remains committed to ensuring the health and safety of those we support. Yesterday, March 10, 2020, Governor Lamont declared public health and civil preparedness emergencies in Connecticut. These emergency declarations give the state the authority to provide necessary measures to prepare for and contain the outbreak of COVID-19 in Connecticut. Abilis is required to follow the guidelines issued by the State of Connecticut’s Department of Developmental Services.
Many of our day program facilities in the community are being closed. Combining our day programs to having larger groups gathering are not safe and prohibited. In addition, with local public schools closing, this is also affecting our staff and our ability to provide day supports. We will be closing our day services on Thursday, March 12th and Friday the March 13th, as we review alternative options of service delivery.
These are unprecedented times and we understand that this is going to be a hardship for individuals and our families. We are consulting with our state partners, the CDC and DPH to make decisions based on reliable information. Officials in the towns where we provide supports are providing daily updates and we will continue to stay in close communication with their offices.
We ask for your patience while we plan next steps.
Please continue to check our website for updates.
Thank you,
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Update as of Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The health and safety of those we care for continues to be our priority.
We have made the decision to temporarily suspend our Activities Program and will communicate when this program will resume.
The Annual Meeting scheduled for April 1st has been postponed. We are hoping to reschedule for May or June. This date is still TBD.
We have also made the decision to provide day supports to the medically frail and elderly population through our residential services. Staff will be relocated from the day program to the assigned homes.
We will continue to work with our state partners and consult with the CDC and DPH to make decisions based on reliable information. Officials in the towns where we provide supports are providing daily updates and we will continue to stay in close communication with their offices.
There will also be updates available on our website at
Thank you!
Amy Montimurro
President & CEO
Abilis, Inc.
Update as of Monday, March 9, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are aware that it has been confirmed that the COVID-19 has made its way into the State of Connecticut and our proximity to neighboring towns. Abilis will continue to monitor the situation as changes occur in and around Connecticut and follow recommendations from the Department of Health.
We will continue to work with our state partners and consult with the CDC and DPH to make decisions based on reliable information. Officials in the towns where we provide supports are providing daily updates to community members and we will continue to stay in close communication with their offices.
We continue to ensure supplies and protocols for thorough cleaning, following personal care caution and assisting the people we support in their personal care.
We have already begun the process of using our technology for conferencing with our partners, family meetings and limiting visitors and any exposures in our facilities.
Our priority is the health and safety of those we support and our workforce. Many families are calling looking for immediate answers and we can appreciate your concerns. If and when there are decisions and changes to be made in the operations of the organization, they will be communicated to you.
There will also be updates available on our website at
Thank you!
Amy Montimurro LMSW
President & CEO
Abilis Inc.
March 3, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
You most likely have been following the news reports tracking the development of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), originally identified in China and now diagnosed in other countries. I want to let you know how Abilis is tracking and planning for the potential appearance of this virus in our area. As of today, no Connecticut residents have tested positive for the virus. However, planning for an outbreak is critical to maintaining the supports necessary to ensure health and safety of those we support.
We are closely monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control, and working with the our state partners to plan and make decisions based on reliable information.
Abilis staff are trained and continue to follow all safeguards and follow universal precautions to prevent illness and to protect the spread of any illnesses.
Currently, our response is focused on general illness prevention. With any communicable disease, we focus on keeping those we care for and employees healthy.
Our Senior Administrative Team will continue to look at our planning responses to more disruptive scenarios related to COVID-19 if needed. Please know that Abilis will be intentional in our decisions, and continue to focus on the health of those we support, which is at the center of everything we do.
Abilis has a current pandemic plan in place that has been approved by the State of Connecticut. This plan includes secured food, cleaning, medical supplies and plans to address a decrease in the workforce.
We will continue to communicate and update you as needed. We will also provide ongoing status updates which will be available on our website at
Thank you!
Amy Montimurro LMSW
President & CEO
Abilis Inc.