Life Services

Supported Typing Program

The STeP Supported Typing Program presumes competence in every individual and offers a technique that helps enhance the brain/body connection by providing resistive touch, a slow rhythm, and genuine encouragement.

What Is STeP?

Supported Typing provides a form of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) in which people of all ages and abilities who are challenged with communication (including non-speakers and unreliable communicators), are able to express themselves by pointing (e.g., at pictures, letters, or objects) and, more commonly, by typing (e.g., on an ipad, keyboard or letterboard). Our coaches are committed to using best practices at all times, and to training communication partners (staff, family, friends) with the same standards so that no one is leading or influencing the typer.

At the core of this method and other similar methods, where individuals type, spell or point to communicate, is the presumption of competence – the assumption that a person has the capacity to think, learn, and understand; they just need the right supports and systems to help them succeed.

“The reality of my life is that I need help to be in the world, but I don’t need help to think.” EN


Ways STeP is Impacting Lives

  • Freedom and joy are found when one can express themselves.
  • Options and communicating choices help build self esteem.
  • Social Typing Groups are creating confidence and friendships.
  • More interesting and interactive lives at home & in community.
  • Expanded learning opportunities are exciting.
  • Some have become advocates to help others like themselves.


“Typing freed me up to have a life I can create instead of one designed for me.” ML


Support with Goals

Support is given to each communicator to find his or her own voice. Family members and staff are encouraged to learn this technique so communication is accessible in all settings.

The goal is to eventually fade supports and work towards independent typing, nearly independent typing (e.g., a hand on the shoulder or intermittent touch), or a combination of speaking with typing – some individuals have developed the ability to read their typed text aloud and/or to speak before and as they are typing.

“Now everyone knows I’m smart. Spelling gives me a voice but it didn’t fix my autism. Maybe I don’t need fixing, just support.” CA

Supported Typing to communicate promotes access to social interaction, creative expression, academics, and participation in inclusive schools and communities.

How to Get Started

STeP provides trainings, screenings, groups, and coaching for clients and their support teams. These may be in-person for those who are local (in the CT/NY area), and/or via Zoom for individuals who are not local or able to come in to our offices. Register for our next Foundations Training Class to learn more about the method, the core principles, how and why it works, best practices, and the basics of getting started.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a training or screening session with one of our coaches/trainers, please reach out to Susan Nisinzweig, STeP Coordinator at


What services are included
in the STeP Supported Typing Program?

STEP offers the following options online and/or in person to families, schools, and agencies:

Foundations Training Seminars for new Communication Partners

Classes, Guest Speakers, Support Groups
and Workshops

Screenings and Coaching Sessions for Communicators and their team of partners

Social Groups and Dyads for Communicators
to interact with typing peers

Abilis' STeP Program Helps Individuals to
Find Their Voice Through Supported Typing

Reach Out to STeP at Abilis

For more information about the STeP Supported Typing Program, upcoming trainings and events, please contact our Supported Typing Program Coordinator Susan Nisinzweig at .