About Abilis

Abilis' mission is to provide individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in Fairfield County with services, supports and advocacy for building able lives and strong communities.

Who We Are

Founded in 1951, Abilis(ABLE-ISS) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides programs and services for children and adults of all abilities, from birth throughout their lives.

Abilis is one of only 11 organizations licensed by the State of Connecticut to provide autism-specific diagnostic and intensive interventions to the Birth to Three age group. With day programs, transition programs, employment programs and residential programs, Abilis is a leader in providing state-of-the-art services for the special needs community in Fairfield County and has a long-standing reputation for high quality care.

Early Intervention / B23 Services
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What We Do

Abilis provides early intervention and customized therapies, as well as family education and advocacy to help individuals achieve important developmental milestones. As individuals approach and enter adulthood, Abilis provides a wide range of Life Services programs, including recreational activities, transition and life skills support, job training, competitive and supported employment, and a choice of residential options.

Our Vision

Abilis sets the standard of excellence for person-centered services through innovation, teamwork, and respect for each individual served. Together, Abilis helps shape the communities in which individuals of all abilities participate and contribute as equal citizens

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Our Values

Abilis believes that everyone deserves to live, learn, work and enjoy life based upon their personal preferences. Each person’s own strengths and dreams for the future deserve acknowledgment and respect.

Everyone deserves access to resources, opportunities, and skills that enhance their ability to self advocate effectively. Individuals with disabilities have the same rights as everyone. They are entitled to good health care and safety, meaningful choices, achievement, friendship, fulfilling work, and a comfortable place to live.

Learn More About Abilis

CEO’s Welcome

Our Team

Board of Directors